Load factor, also known as load factor ratio, is an important metric in real estate that helps investors determine whether a property is worth investing in. Calculating it is relatively simple and can be done with some basic calculations. To begin, you’ll need to know the net rentable area of a property (NRA) and its total usable area (TUA). NRA is the amount of rentable area that can generate income, while TUA is the total usable area.
Once you have both numbers, you’ll need to divide the tenant’s net rentable area by the total usable area. The result will be your load factor and help determine how efficiently a property can create income. If the number is higher, the property should be able to generate more revenue. It’s important to note, however, that load factor should not be used as a sole measure of potential profit; other factors such as location and condition should also be taken into consideration before investing in any real estate.
Load factor can also be expressed as a percentage, which is calculated by multiplying the decimal result of your calculation by 100. This gives you an easy way to quickly compare different properties and what their potential for income generation is.
Knowing how to calculate load factor real estate can help investors make more informed decisions about investments. While it’s just one part of assessing a property’s value, it’s an important part that can give you a better understanding of potential returns. With the right information and calculations, investors can make smarter choices when investing in real estate.
A good load factor ratio is an essential metric for any investor looking to invest in real estate. It gives invaluable insight into the income-generating capabilities of a property and can help you make the most informed decision possible. With this knowledge, you’ll be well on your way to building up an efficient real estate portfolio.

With a sharp eye for design and a passion for renovation, Samantha transforms fixer-uppers into dream homes. Her expertise in remodeling adds extra value to your real estate experience.